The Beauty of Nature

The Beauty of Nature

Friday, May 25, 2007

Taking the Lead on Lead

The Public and Catholic school boards for the Thames Valley area (that includes Parkhill) are checking the water in their schools for lead. Although these schools were thought to have been built without lead piping, it is a precaution the school is taking just to make sure there is no lead in the water which could harm staff and students. All schools built before 1989 (118 schools) are going through a six to eight week testing program.
Short term exposure to lead can cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, coma or even death. Symptoms of long-term exposure to lower lead levels may be less noticeable but are still serious. Anemia is common and damage to the nervous system may cause impaired mental function. Other symptoms are appetite loss, abdominal pain, constipation, fatigue, sleeplessness, irritability and headache. Continued excessive exposure, as in an industrial setting, can affect the kidneys. Lead is especially dangerous to young children because they can absorb lead more easily.
People living in London, in homes built near 1952 should be concerned about lead in their water. One in four homes tested in London confirmed lead in their homes. However, not all Londoners should be worried; newer houses do not contain lead pipes. If someone does own an older home, a water filter would be a wise decision to install before drinking water from your tap.

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